The Sacrament of Baptism

Presbyterians believe that in baptism, we are claimed by God as his beloved child and washed clean from sin. We are called to a new way of life as Christ’s disciples, sharing the good news of the gospel with all the world.

 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19 (NRSVUE)

Infant and Child Baptism

Baptisms of infants and children are performed by the pastor during one of our regularly scheduled worship services. Our Session (the governing body of ruling Elders) authorizes baptism, and our congregation promises to contribute to the faith formation of all who are baptized here.   

Baptism is a sacrament.  A sign and a seal of God’s covenant of grace. God promises to love, lead and keep God’s people in Christ.

The first step in scheduling a baptism is to contact the pastor who will present the request to the Session for approval. It is usually best to work with the pastor a few weeks before the desired date. 

Adult Baptism

Baptism of adults in the Presbyterian Church is for those who have never been baptized in any Christian church (as an infant or as an adult). At College Park Presbyterian Church, adult baptism usually happens concurrently with becoming an active member of our church. 

To speak to our Pastor about the specifics of the sacrament of baptism at College Park Presbyterian Church, please contact the church at